welcome the warm weather, the jazz club’s door is propped open when I arrive
for the night. The place is empty, which always makes it a challenge at first.
The initial couple or group to arrive tend to be naïve to life at night, so
they’ll stand near the door inquisitive but fearful. It is so tempting to toy
with them. Some night I’ll laugh maniacally and holler to the bartender, “LOOK
HERE…OUR FIRST CUSTOMERS IN WEEKS!!” But not tonight. The club starts filling
with its wonderful mix of humanity….ahhh jazz…. how it harmonizes the
disparate. The quintet was into its Latin version of Mile’s All Blues when I
noticed a young couple walk past the front door and warily cock their ears for
a listen. With the authority vested in me by the club owner and using my Royal
Academy of Doormen training, I motion them to me with a sense of command. They
both have tattoo sleeves and notable piercings—she has a septum piercing, he
has ear lobe plugs. I say, “Welcome….stop hesitating, you belong here.” They
stammer a bit and make motions for their wallets. “Aheh, not tonight…you’re
guests of The Doorman, come on in.” From the moment they enter until they leave
hours later they are perched on the edge of their barstools enraptured. Live
jazz has them captivated. I feel good that I read them accurately: They do
belong here.
The Electric Daybook is my way of sharing the remarkable creativity I encounter in the world. Writings, art, photography, architecture and music are all of special interest. Feel free to alert me to projects you're involved in or are aware of so that I can help spread the word.
Send items for review to: Jeff Winke, The Broadway, 234 N. Broadway, Unit 513, Milwaukee WI 53202, or e-mail jeff_winke @
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