Every kitchen junk drawer should have a few tools--the basics: hammer, small- and large-size slotted and phillips screwdrivers, and a pliers. Of course, it's a given that the one tool you need from this basic set will not be in the junk drawer when you need it. But the modest goal is there. In my household, the pliers is missing. Has been for some time. I've decided to replace it and I've just spent $10.43 to purchase a high-carbon C1080 steel pair of slip-joint pliers that are made in the United States. Rather than go to the local hardware store and fish through the discount bin for a pair of cheap, Chinese-made pliers that would cost probably a third of what I spent I made the conscious decision to buy American--even if it costs more. Why? I'm thinking that it may help the Meadville, Penn. Channellock Tools Company stay in business. It probably is too little and too late, but everything I buy now is American made. Unfortunately, the reality is that huge segments of consumer products are no longer made in the U.S. Everything with a plug and cord is manufactured, assembled, and packaged offshore. There is no such thing as an American-made toaster, clock-radio, or coffee-bean grinder. But, my campaign will continue.
The Electric Daybook is my way of sharing the remarkable creativity I encounter in the world. Writings, art, photography, architecture and music are all of special interest. Feel free to alert me to projects you're involved in or are aware of so that I can help spread the word.
Send items for review to: Jeff Winke, The Broadway, 234 N. Broadway, Unit 513, Milwaukee WI 53202, or e-mail jeff_winke @ yahoo.com
In part, we can thank Newt Gingrich and company for the loss of manufacturing in America.
Spring Grove