O.K. you’re flummoxed on what to get someone for Christmas, their birthday, as thanks for watering your dieffenbachia while you were away, or just to be nice. It may be a neighbor, shirttail friend, teacher, or the eccentric old lady down the block. So, you wish to give them all a little present. The question to ask yourself is do they own a cat? Or, have they ever been friendly to a cat… maybe pet one a couple of times until the purring startled them. These, and others you know, are perfect candidates for a book I put together, Meow Poetry: Fun, Fabulous, Feline Verse. This is an anthology of accessible and enjoyable cat poetry written by established poets and newcomers. For $10.75 you can give them a thoughtful gift that shows what a cool and dimensional person you really are. Meow Poetry can be easily purchased through Amazon or BarnesandNoble.com.
Dear Anonymous --
ReplyDeleteThis sounds great! Can I forward my bank account numbers, PINs, and the pink slips to my automobiles in a good-faith effort to underscore my earnestness and interest in this terrific opportunity.
You're my new best friend, my BFF.
Wow, Jeff; perhaps I, too, can begin to use your blog as a way to make truly inane comments having nothing at all to do with whatever "filler" content you may have posted. I'm sure the profits from my new venture will be substantial, possibly rivaling those of these other twits, to say nothing of the fortune that is yours simply from being the blog operator. Thanks for the opportunity. Your friend in world dominance, Ralph